05.12.2005 | Alexander Onischuk: I don`t want to teach how to play chess!

Alexander Onischuk is not a stranger to the Ugra region. He always participates in “Anatoliy Karpov” tournaments. Onischuk and Bologan have the largest number of personal fans here; some of them came just to see a single game. Well it didn’t help Alex and Viorel - they lost in the second round. Despite this, we still consider them really good players.
04.12.2005 | Alexander Khalifman: I do not see myself as a professional player
The 14th champion of the World arrived full of ambitions. But he lost in the second round against American Yuri Schulman, even though he had a lot of chances.
04.12.2005 | Round 3. Game 2. Photo report
Please see the photos from the 2nd day of the 3rd round.
03.12.2005 | Round 3 starts! Photo report

Please find the photos from the first day of the third round.
03.12.2005 | Vassily Ivanchuk: Tie-breaks teach you to think about failures philosophically
Vassily is irreplaceably lost for the 2005 World Cup. The highest rated participant is leaving Khanty-Mansiysk. We have to say thank you to this Ukrainian player for his willingness to answer journalistic questions right after losing to Ivan Cheparinov the Bulgarian player.
03.12.2005 | Darmen Sadvakasov: I was thinking a lot and then made bad moves.
The former Youth World Champion lost to one of the favorites of the tournament – Levon Aronian – 0:2. However, he could have made a better result.
03.12.2005 | Who are the Favorites?

Like good students we make a list of the favorites before each tournament, which players we consider having the biggest chances of winning. We take into consideration not only ratings or in-formation of last games of the players, but also our “inner voice”. It whispers doubt regarding the quality of one of the players, another player has problems playing with full strength when big money is involved, a third player...
02.12.2005 | Round 2. Tie breaks. Photo report
Please find the photos from the 3rd day of play in the second round.
01.12.2005 | Vladimir Malakhov: A harmonious system is necessary

The Vice-Champion of Europe 2004, Vladimir Malakhov, doesn’t require special introduction. There are more than one excellent result in his career, and not so long ago he had a rating of 2700. But he is interesting, first of all by that fact that he can hardly be called a chess professional - Vladimir grew up in a family of scientists, and like his parents he selected a scientific career. The simple question remains: is he a chess player or a scientist? The Moscowite cannot answer in himself.
01.12.2005 | Magnus Carlsen: I shall be glad, if I become the World Champion one day!

Magnus Carlsen’s name begun to sparkle when at the age of 12, he became GM and later has achieved some impressing results. The experienced trainers spoke about his brilliant prospects and bright talent, and the amateur players saw in him a genius and the future World Champion. Also it is necessary to mention that the Norwegian who became 15 years old on the first day of the second Round, fully has lived up the hopes expected of him. Here in Khanty-Mansiysk he has beaten the experienced GM Zurab Azmajparashvili's in the first round after tie-break, and has made serious application for further advancement. Who will in the end be able to stop the young Magician?